NOVA Guaranteed Interviews Initiative

Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) — Goal 2 Initiative NOVA Guaranteed Interviews Initiative

Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) will launch a new guaranteed interview model that will connect students with regional employers hiring directly from the program. The program is focused on all applied degree programs and FastForward programs. This model will directly benefit students by providing direct connection to regional employment opportunities as part of their program. This model also includes direct support for students to prepare for their interviews with career readiness programs embedded into their pathway at NOVA (i.e., resume workshops, mock interviews).

Initiative Differentiators

This new initiative not only connects students and employers directly, but also provides a clear signaling system to students about employment outcomes and expectations before, during, and after their time at NOVA. This type of partnership with the business community is relatively new in the community college space. This initiative will also include strategic engagement with small- and medium-sized businesses to support their participation in the program.  

Key Interventions and Milestones

This initiative will pilot in Fall 2021. Full-scale implementation is expected for all programs by Fall 2024. Main activities include employer partnership development, career readiness program development, and communication of the opportunity to students.

Expected Impact

Success will be measured by the number of employer partnerships established, the number of students served, and the number of students finding employment. The program will pilot this academic year and will scale over a three-year period to establish partnerships for all programs, with a goal to provide an opportunity to interview with at least one company to every NOVA student completing an applied program.