Data-Driven Career Roadmaps
Georgia State University — Goal 1 Initiative Data-Driven Career Roadmaps
Building on the Steppingblocks® career platform, the Data-Driven Career Roadmaps initiative will make relevant, real-time career exploration data accessible to all Georgia State students, enhancing students' abilities to view real career roadmaps and plan for the future.
Exposing students to relevant data about their industry (job titles, alumni career pathways, and accurate salary information) is an important step in creating career readiness before graduation. The Data-Driven Career Roadmaps initiative seeks to provide that readiness to over 55,000 students across campus, leveraging the Steppingblocks® technology to bring real-time career data to students.
Steppingblocks® data includes information on professional degree programs, job titles by discipline, accurate salary information, and real alumni career outcomes, allowing students to visualize their future employment progression. Integrating this comprehensive data into career counseling and exposing students to an ecosystem of relevant information will enhance Georgia State's commitment to centering career preparedness in the student experience.
As the initiative progresses, Georgia State faculty will be trained to use Steppingblocks® during career counseling sessions, adding another tool to the professional mentorship process. By the end of the Spring 2021 semester, 100% of Georgia State's departments will include Steppingblocks® career explorer data, opening this opportunity to all 55,000 students.
Georgia State’s commitment to student success goes beyond grades and classrooms. The university has earned national acclaim for helping students from every background stay on track for graduation, and with this initiative, Georgia State will create even more opportunities to help students succeed after graduation as they move on to careers. Career exploration is critical so students can see themselves on a path to professional life.
Initiative Differentiators
The Data-Drive Career Roadmap initiative builds on Georgia State's mission to prioritize career readiness among students throughout their curricula by leveraging innovative technological solutions. As part of this mission, the Career Success office is now integrated into the Division of Student Success, which reports directly to the President, an important change to emphasize career readiness as essential to students’ educational experience learning outcomes.
Key Interventions and Milestones
As part of the Data-Drive Career Roadmap program, Georgia State will provide students with four access points to Steppingblocks® career data: Career Services mentorship, department websites, self-conducted searches, and faculty career counseling. Currently, Career Services employees have access to Steppingblocks® for use during conversations with students. As the initiative rolls out, students will gain access to the Steppingblocks® platform to conduct their own research, and faculty will be trained to use the data for mentorship and counseling.
Expected Impact
The Data-Drive Career Roadmap program aims to provide access to this critical employment information to all 55,000 students at Georgia State. By the end of the Spring 2021 semester, 100% of department websites will integrate career data on Steppingblocks®, and all Georgia State students will have individual access to the platform to conduct their own research.